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Toni Henderson-Mayers wins ACHI Award & Amir Zonozi lands NBA Client for Zoomph

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The Daily Livestream Update for 12-7-2016:

Toni Henderson-Mayers, host of the Wise Courtship Philosophy Show on Periscope, won the 2016 ACHI Magazine People's Choice Award, Amir Zonozi of Zoomph landed the LA Clippers as a new client and the rest of today's highly-recommended shows featuring Wagner dos Santos, Coach Jennie, Luria Petrucci of Live Streaming Pros, Leslie Nance, Rachel Moore, RJ Redden, Stacy Lynn Harp, Doug Woodward, Mitch Jackson, Jen Hoverstad, Aaron Roth of Arkon, Jennifer Quinn, Aprille Franks-Hunt, Tobe Brockner, Glenn Dawson, Ms Candy Blog, Raven Blair Glover, Joe Vitale, Claudia Cooley, Mary Smith Moore and Gail Turner Brown.

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Hosted by Ross Brand of http://livestreamuniverse.com/, this update includes featured online broadcasts and livestream news.