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SXSW PanelPicker Announcement: "Facebook Live: Build Tribes & Actually Make Money!"

We are pleased to share the Panel Picker Proposal for a #SXSW2018 talk called "Facebook Live: Build Tribes & Actually Make Money!"

Should we get selected to present, Coach Jennie will be moderating the panel featuring Karen Graves, Monique Johnson, and Ross Brand of Livestream Universe.

Facebook Live has leveled the playing field for entrepreneurs to build brand awareness, create a community of ambassadors, and interact with potential clients in real time. Learn from 4 livestream enthusiasts who've unlocked the keys to growing a biz using Facebook Live strategically. They will share their best tips for success so you can leverage this powerful content marketing tool to grow your brand, drive engagement, and, most importantly, get more clients.

At this presentation, we will answer questions like...

-How can I create compelling content that engages my audience and demonstrates my approach?

-How do I build an engaged community organically from scratch?

-What are the best strategies to overcome your fear of getting on camera and going live?

Getting our presentation selected will involve YOUR VOTES come August so stay tuned with ways you can help us get to Austin, TX!