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Dec. 9, 2020

The LAW and Live Streaming with Mitch Jackson

The LAW and Live Streaming with Mitch Jackson


Streaming Lawyer Mitch Jackson shares what online entrepreneurs and content creators need to know about the law and live streaming. Mitch also shares communication tips he honed as a trial lawyer. ▶️ GO LIVE with STREAMYARD: https://LivestreamUniverse/Streamyard


📊 Overlay & Background TEMPLATES for STREAMYARD: https://LivestreamUniverse.com/templates

🔔 SUBSCRIBE: https://YouTube.com/StreamYard

🎟️ Grow on YouTube - TUBEBUDDY: https://LivestreamUniverse.com/TubeBuddy

Related Videos:

▶️ GEAR Show: https://youtu.be/vk0W3PFisDY

▶️ StreamYard CEO Interview -- Ep50 with Geige Vandentop: https://youtu.be/_d4I0vMQJ7c


StreamYard Connect is presented by StreamYard, a live streaming studio in your computer or mobile browser that makes it easy to host shows with stable, professional-looking streams.

▶️ HOST YOUR SHOW with STREAMYARD: https://LivestreamUniverse.com/Stream...


Jon Mitchell "Mitch" Jackson enjoys combining law, social media and technology to disrupt, hack, and improve his clients' companies, causes, and professional relationships. He's an award-winning 2009 Orange County Trial Lawyer of the Year and 2013 California Litigation Lawyer of the Year who was recently profiled at INC.com and appeared on stage the past two years to share innovative marketing and branding tips at the Tony Robbin's Business Mastery Event to an audience of 2,000. As an early adopter of livestreaming (live video), Mitch has appeared on live video shows with Katie Couric, Anderson Cooper, Seth Godin, Peter Diamandis, and Gary Vaynerchuk.

📌 Website: https://Streaming.Lawyer

📌 Top Secret Partner: https://streaming.lawyer/top-secret-p...

📌 Virtual Estate Planning: https://streaming.lawyer/estate/

📌 The Ultimate Guide to Social Media: https://amzn.to/3qyKKf0


Ross Brand is a live streaming professional who has served in many capacities such as Red Carpet host for the Emmy Award-winning Never Settle Show, produced by Al Roker Entertainment, and on-camera host for multiple Facebook Live Video and LinkedIn Live developers and broadcast solutions. Prior to live streaming, Ross worked as an on-air radio host, anchor, and reporter.

📌 Ross on Amazon LIve: https://Amazon.com/shop/iRossBrand

As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. -Ross

Disclaimer: Some of these links are affiliate links where I'll earn a small commission if you make a purchase at no additional cost to you. -Ross

Guest: Mitch Jackson

Host: Ross Brand

Sponsor: StreamYard

Originally broadcast on the StreamYard Facebook Page and YouTube Channel (2.8K views)

Mitch JacksonProfile Photo

Mitch Jackson

The Metaverse Lawyer

Mitch Jackson, Esq. aka The Metaverse Lawyer (MetaverseLawyer.io) has spoken twice at Tony Robbins Business Mastery and is a 2013 California Litigation Lawyer of the Year. His popular LinkedIn Newsletter “Metaverse, Web3, Law and Tech” is recommended by Dori Clark, David Meerman Scott and many others.