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Jan. 30, 2017

GoDaddy Rebrands with Livestreaming: ‘Beyond the Domain’ with Heather Dopson

GoDaddy Rebrands with Livestreaming: ‘Beyond the Domain’ with Heather Dopson

Episode 51 of Livestream Stars with Ross Brand of Livestream Universe.

Subscribe to the podcast: https://rossbrandrecordings.com.

On #LivestreamStars with Ross Brand, Heather Dopson of GoDaddy talked about the company’s decision to launch a livestreaming show. She discussed the goals for “Behind the Domain,” including rebranding GoDaddy and providing entrepreneurs with business solutions.

Heather Dopson is a community builder at GoDaddy, serving on the advocacy and evangelism team. She hosts GoDaddy’s weekly livestream show, “Beyond the Domain” Thursdays on Facebook Live.

Heather is a super savvy, self-admitted techno-geek who lives, breathes, eats, sleeps and dreams about Social Media. She’s also a natural protector with a big heart and integrity running through her blood.

So when a client told her she spent $40,000 on a website that had not returned one single penny, Heather realized her purpose was to be the go-to person for everything business related online. She made it her mission to stop the confusion of Internet Marketing and be the guiding light for businesses and individuals wanting to leverage the immense power of Social Media.

Heather knows that being successful with your business on the Internet has everything to do with how your website functions within your particular industry, which Social Media tools you are using, what content, images and videos you’re posting, as well as how your brand is customized and whether it’s consistent across all mediums.

Her experience as Director of Marketing and VP of Business Development for an international real estate company synergizes with her adept skills as an Internet Marketer and Strategist to make her one of the top Social Media experts in the nation.

Heather is a featured speaker at numerous Social Media events around the country. She teaches classes focusing on Facebook and online marketing as she understands the tremendous value in educating the masses about the lucrative power of the Internet.

She provides one-on-one sessions to an exclusive list of clients who want to know exactly how to incorporate Social Media into their business practices.

With her main focus being Facebook, Heather has built a company to offer complete strategic Social Media and Online Marketing solutions to individuals and established businesses who wish to build and effectively maintain a stellar internet presence.

.Find Heather on Twitter: @HeatherDopson.